About Me





There used to be two of us: Silvia and I met while we were volunteers in Thailand.  After only knowing each other for three months, we decided to take an epic four and a half month backpacking trip around Asia, stopping in places like Indonesia, Malaysia, China, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Vietnam.  We wanted to share our experiences around the world with the world, and thus The Roaming Coconuts was born.

While Silvia and I definitely still have the travel bug, we decided that it was time for us to do some solo traveling.  So, with her heading to Iran (ah the perks of duel citizenship) and beyond, and my plans to explore Africa and spend some time relaxing in the Holy Land, we decided that it would be easier and less confusing if we blogged separately.  I’ll be continuing to write as a Roaming Coconut, while Silvia will be sharing her adventures from Heart My Backpack.


8 thoughts on “About Me

  1. 16 September, 2013

    Keep up the good work! Looking forward to reading more about your travels.

    – Michael @ The Chronicles of Wanderlust

  2. 3 October, 2013

    Hello, it’s Anthony from pamir lodge. Some great articles. We made it to Dushanbe…Matt and I separate here for 1 month. I’m going to kazahstan (which you seemed to love!). Will be in samarcand somewhere between 10 and 12 Oct. Would be nice to meet up? Did you make it to afghan market?

    • 4 October, 2013

      Hey Anthony! So great to hear from you; we were actually just talking about your charity with a couple of other bikers. We did make it to the Afghan Market, and will have a blog up about it soon! Samarcand between the 10 and 12 might actually work for us. We’re headed to Uzbekistan tomorrow, going to Khiva and Bukhara first. Maybe email us at [email protected] when you’re getting close? Have fun in Kazakhstan (you will)!

  3. 9 November, 2013

    This is the cutest little description of you two & your adventure itinerary sounds FAB & you two look like you’re totally rockin’ it. Yay. So glad to have found you two! 🙂 Cheers to your adventures. 🙂

  4. 11 November, 2013

    By the way – I’ve been meaning to share this with you two! Feel free to delete the comment if you feel like I’m spamming you :(, but after reading your bio the other day, I thought you two would really really appreciate this video: http://weareadventure.us/2013/07/29/bicycling-across-kyrgyzstan-alone/ It’s long, but it’s SO good & especially since you two are kind of in this area, I thought you would find it interesting. Especially relevant is the part where he tries to get through one of the border crossings… reminded me of your cross & journey to China! Anyways, that’s all! xx

  5. Joel
    16 March, 2018

    I like the new and improved site Danielle!

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